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Papua is the widest province in Indonesia. Papua province was once iclude all the part of Papua, but start from 2003 Papua devided into 2 part. The fisrt one is Papua and the west side is West Papua. Papua has an area of 808.104 square kilometre and Papua is the second widest province in The world. 

Puncak Jaya district is he highest city of Papua and the lowest on is Merauke. As a tropical province and an archipelago territory, Papua island has a relative higher humidity about 80-90%. The geographical condition is affecting the population distribution. In 1960, there are 1.648.708 people and increased to abour 2,6 million in 2006. 

Papua's rainfall ranges from 1.800-3.000 mm. The temparature in Papua is about 19-28 Celcius degree. 

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