Yamko Rambe Yamko is one of the most popular songs in Papua. As you all can hear describes something about happiness or joy or unpleasant impression by the rythms. But, the truth, this song contains sadness of war, strife, and resistance mainly Indonesian people against the invanders that occured before the year of 1945.
So many people in Indonesia that have already known and heard this beautiful song. This song talks about a woman in a village. Her parents really loved her. She was very beautiful so all the men in that village had the same dream to have some talks with this woman.
Sometimes, people use this song to accompany gymnastics as the sound track in Papua or even in another inslands of Indonesia.
This one i took from soundcloud and it has the new arrangement of music. If you want to hear the original one, please go to youtube and find by yourself.
Okay, this song talks about a grandchild that has a wish to got to another place. This grandchild has to wander away and leaving his/her grandparents. With sadness the grandparents let this grandchild leave them. I know it is maybe not really matters and important. But is there something wrong by knowing something new?
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