1. Sajojo Dance


Sajojo once made to show  how easy papua people to get along with some people. 
All genders can dance this dance, all the kids or even the old ones. All may do this dance.
Some says, this dance has already created in 1990 era. Because of the happy moves, this dance became more famous and almost all of Papuan people at least know this kind of dance. 

This dance named Sajojo, because the soundtrack to accompany the dance is Sajojo. 
For the history, this dance tells about a beautiful girl in a village. All people loved and liked her. The moves of this dance are unique, because of that this dance is still preserved. 

2. Selamat Datang Dance


In English, 'Selamat Datang' is 'Welcome'.
This dance named Selamat Datang, because this dance is used to welcome the honored guests in Papua. The dancers must not the men, the woman can be the dancers too. 

Papuan people are really proud of this dance, because this dance has some energetic moves and  there are some aesthetic values in this dance. 

The costum for this dance is traditional clothes, sometimes with traditional weapons or another atributes. They use tifa as the music.

 3. Perang Dance 


Perang in english is 'war'
This dance in one of traditional dances in Papua. This dance has the meaning of Papua people's heroism. 

The dancers in this dance are the men with weapons for a war as atribute to show that Papua has some mighty men that ready to war.

This dance appeared, because at the past, there were some wars beetwen Sentani tribe with another tribes in Papua. So, the ancestry gave this dance to give some encouragement to the fighters in the war. 

This dance usually played by 7 or more people. Kerang, tifa and gendang are the music to accompany this dance. The moves are energetic and show some war skills such as archery, jump, peek the enemies and many others. 

4. Musyoh Dance


This dance is one of sacred dances in Papua. This dance will be held when there is a member of family or even neighbors that get a death accident and estimated the spirit couldn't calm and quiet.

If we can see from the moves, it shows the energetic people of Papua. The dancers are usulally men. 

By the culture, this dance can be beneficial to expel spirit roaming. 

The costume for this dance is traditional clothes of Papua consist of koteka, rumbai skirt, and war equipment such as shield and spear. Sometimes, tifa can be the music for this dance. 


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